Where Torrin Started
Torrin has been at the West Lafayette center since it opened and has been known as the pioneer for the center. He had very few words when he started, and the words he used were not functional and created a lot of his behaviors. He also struggled with sensory issues that ranged from the material of clothes to different types of foods. He was not willing to try a lot of new foods and the only shoes he would wear were cowboy boots. Torrin also had difficulty engaging in social activities with age-appropriate peers. He displayed behaviors that impeded on his ability to communicate and learn.
How Torrin Has Improved
He has made huge strides within the past 6 months. Torrin transitioned from a cube to a less restrictive area in the galaxy room with his own table. His communication has significantly improved with him recently adding descriptive language to his sentences. He is almost through level 3 of the VB MAPP and is working on the Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS). He has also completed the Headsprout reading comprehension program.
Torrin now uses utensils independently and has expanded his diet to new foods including fruits and vegetables. He is able to wear tennis shoes and is working on wearing jeans instead of leggings. Also, Torrin is motivated by his age appropriate peers and has made several friends. He has come so far since he started, and we are very proud of his accomplishments!