Where Hudson Started
Hudson began therapy at Cornerstone Autism Center in August of 2016. When he first started, he was not interested in peers and had almost no appropriate play skills. At the daycare he attended previously, he mostly sat alone and engaged in stimming behaviors. He had no conversation skills and it was often difficult to understand his speech. He also struggled to follow simple directions.
How Hudson Improved
Now, Hudson has formed close friendships with several of his peers. In fact, playing with friends is one of his most preferred activities. Hudson is a great peer model for his friends. He engages in a variety of age appropriate play activities, such as basketball, art projects, and playing musical instruments. He can now follow complex directions for tasks like brushing his teeth and tying his shoes. He has also begun working on reading, writing, and math skills!
Hudson recently graduated from Cornerstone and transitioned into a preschool setting. On his last day during his graduation, he had a dance party with his peers to celebrate how far he has come!
“Hudson is a ray of sunshine! In his time at Cornerstone he has become such a social butterfly. He is one of the hardest workers I know and I am so proud of all he has accomplished!” said Denise Maxie, one of his therapists.
His grandma gave Cornerstone a custom-made stone to thank all of the therapists for positively impacting Hudson’s life and the lives of so many children. You can see his photos on our graduation facebook album. Visit our facebook page at this link.