Bryan’s Story

Where Bryan Began

When Bryan first started at Cornerstone, he had limited abilities in making eye contact with others, difficulties with echolalia and articulation. Additionally, Bryan had difficulties with self-help and daily living skills and required assistance with dressing, hair washing, toothbrushing, and haircuts. Bryan exhibited several target behaviors including physical refusal, tantrums, property destruction, physical aggression, and elopement. Furthermore, Bryan exhibited hyperactive behavior daily (i.e., trouble concentrating and staying on task). 

How Bryan Improved

Bryan has demonstrated tremendous growth during his time at Cornerstone Autism Center. He engages with his peers and approaches them to play while making eye contact. He is able to maintain conversations and ask “WH” questions and has generalized asking questions to both adults and his peers. He has met a total of 167 milestone points out of 170 milestone points possible from the VBMAPP assessment. This makes Bryan’s total milestone point growth since his initial assessment in 2020 a total of 115 milestone points. 

At graduation, Bryan was able to stand in front of his peers and give his graduation speech stating, “At Cornerstone, I like to play with hot wheels, swing, and play with action figures. I also love to play basketball and costumes with friends. When I leave Cornerstone, and graduate, I will miss my friends and therapists the most. At Cornerstone, I learned about the days of the week and mastered a lot of programs. When I go to school, I am excited to learn more about superheroes and to meet new friends. I love Cornerstone”.

Be sure to watch Bryan’s graduation video below!