Where Braelyn Started
Braelyn started at Cornerstone in December of 2013. When she started, her language was incredibly limited, which led to high rates of inappropriate behavior throughout her day. She primarily communicated using a handful of ASL signs and attempts at verbal interactions.
How Braelyn Improved
After beginning at Cornerstone, Braelyn was introduced to an augmentative communication device, and the use of this device decreased the need for problem behaviors. Her device allowed her an appropriate means to get her therapists’, caregivers’, and peers’ attention.
She is able to use this device to indicate her wants and needs. The device also increased her ability for social interactions and allowed her family to see her sense of humor and personality.
Not only has her appropriate communication increased exponentially, but Braelyn also has successfully potty-trained and maintained this skill. Braelyn graduated from Cornerstone Autism Center in August 2019, and she transitioned to the 5th grade.
“We are so proud of Braelyn’s hard work,” said Kathryn Kintner, MA, BCBA. “We cannot wait to see what great things she will do!”