Where Bentley Started
Bentley came to Cornerstone with many skills already – he is intelligent, funny, and has many interests and hobbies. Bentley’s very kind heart shows in his interactions with others at Cornerstone. When he started therapy, Bentley struggled with functional communication with others and sometimes had difficulty expressing himself. He also had trouble with daily living skills such as putting on socks or making the bed.
How Bentley Improved
In his time here, Bentley has grown so much in his skill set, especially his communication skills. Bentley has given input regarding his goals and programs at Cornerstone, which has been an excellent experience for both Bentley and the clinical team. Bentley has also worked on many self-help and daily living skills, including goals in dressing, chores, and various academic skills.
Bentley, we loved having you at Cornerstone and are proud of your progress. We look forward to seeing your success at school, knowing that you will do great!