Where Aziz Started
When Aziz first began ABA therapy at Cornerstone in August 2018, he was assessed and only scored 14 points out of the 170 milestones across the Verbal Behavior Milestone Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP). Aziz was unable to request his wants and needs and could not imitate motor movements or vocal sounds.
How Aziz Has Improved
During Aziz’s time at Cornerstone, he developed the skills to mand for desired items from adults and peers, mastered all motor imitations from the VB-MAPP, and increase his vocals where he can now speak in full sentences. As his abilities grew stronger, Aziz began working in a full-day classroom setting with other peers in preparation for his transition to school. He was able to master all skills in reading, writing and math will now take turns with peers during games, and complete worksheets in the classroom!
In July 2022, Aziz graduated from Cornerstone with a total of 147.5 out of the 170 milestones from the VB-MAPP assessment; he mastered a total of 4360 targets during his two years! He has worked so hard, and we are very proud of him. We are so excited to hear about his future successes! We will miss you, Aziz!