ABA 101: The Basics of Behavior Intervention Plans

BCBA and Training Coordinator Megan Graves covered Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) in a parent training today. She discussed why they are essential to our programming at Cornerstone.

According to Graves, BIPs are individualized and not a “one size fits all” approach.

“This is because behavior looks different, has different functions and happens in different environments,” said Graves.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) takes data on behavior, uses function-based interventions and starts in controlled environments before transferring skills to different environments, such as the child’s home. BIPs are needed when social skills are lacking, progress in school or another setting is not occurring and the problem behavior is interfering with social skills or learning.

Intervention always begins with an assessment. At Cornerstone, we collect measurable data and create graphs and charts for monthly reports that are sent home to families. We look at the function of the problem behavior in order to understand why that behavior is occurring. Once we figure out the function, we can establish an intervention to decrease the problem behavior.

The 4 functions of behavior are:

  • Sensory Stimulation
  • Escape
  • Access to Attention
  • Access to Tangibles

The BIPs given at parent meetings include applications for home. Since BIPs are individualized and client-specific, the recommendations for how to handle these behaviors at home will be client-specific as well as well. We recommend that our families:

  • Read their child’s BIP thoroughly every time it’s sent home
  • Ask your child’s lead/BCBA any and all questions
  • Request a video of the plan being implemented
  • Implement this plan at home — some plans may require additional training

Consistency across all environments is crucial to your child’s success. Implementing the BIP at home will help your child learn socially appropriate ways to have his or her wants and needs met.

“These interventions help decrease problem behaviors and maximize your child’s independence,” said Graves.