Cornerstone Awarded Certificate of Appreciation to Frontline Workers

On April 29th, 2021, The Good Samaritan Project awarded Cornerstone the Certificate of Appreciation to Frontline Workers.

Representatives from the project delivered treats for the staff. Cornerstone also received a thank you note and a letter from State Representative, Chris Campbell.

“We so appreciate the recognition for our staff’s hard work and dedication to our clients, especially during this last year,” said Kathryn Kintner, MA, BCBA. “We agree they deserve to be celebrated.”

More about the Good Samaritan Project: 

“GSP was founded in March 2020 in response to the pandemic, to support the front line and essential workers in the face of an unknown foe—Covid19. We started our Phase 1 – ‘Holiday Cheer’ at the beginning of 2020. Our group began to distribute care packages, flowers, and balloons to healthcare workers, law enforcement, fire, retail workers, medical and more. Now, we are on our Phase 2. This is “Sending Love,” which aims to give recognition to institutions that are silently working to help the community battle the pandemic.

Eleven months later, the Pandemic rages on. We know more about it and we have hope because of the vaccines that are now available. However, with the pandemic surge, we know there is much still to be done. We also realized that front line and essential workers must include teachers, daycare workers, mental health workers, and more. Therefore, The Good Samaritan Project wants to recognize and thank you and your colleagues for all that they do to serve our community. We want to recognize everyone in your organization because it is a team effort.”
-Letter from Paula Davis, Founder of the Good Samaritan Project 

Thank You to Cornerstone from State Representative Chris Campbell, House District 26:

Dear Covid Heroes,

On behalf of Indiana’s twenty-sixth house district, thank you for your bravery, your patience and devotion to your job. Thank you for putting your health on the line for others. You are risking your life every time you go to work for the benefit of the community, and I applaud you for making a difference.

The COVID-19 pandemic has tried to get the best of us, but in reality, it has brought the best out of people like you. The essential work you offer requires a lot of sacrifice, and I will forever be grateful for your daily perseverance. It has not been easy to navigate during these unprecedented times. You have showed us all that it is possible with a little bit of faith and compassion.

Because of your hard work and sacrifice, myself and a few local business owners have come together to thank you again for all that you do. You are appreciated more than you know. You are truly heroes and deserve to be recognized for the significant role you play in our community. Thank you for leading the way and taking charge in the face of adversity. We wouldn’t be here without you!