Where Michael Started
Michael’s family began their Cornerstone journey in August of 2017. When Michael began therapy, he had a limited vocabulary and struggled to communicate his wants and needs with others. He was unable to make eye contact with other people other than his parents, and his social skills were extremely limited. He exhibited physical aggression and tantrum behaviors multiple times per day and had a hard time sharing with others. Michael was unable to complete self help skills independently like toileting, dressing or brushing his teeth.
Michael’s therapist, Stephen, shares what he loves most about Michael’s personality:
“Michael is such an inquisitive little guy–wanting to know how and why everything happens,” said Stephen Bohney, ABA Therapist. “I loved our conversations about everything from the topics of vampires to gravity. Once something was explained to the furthest extent, then he would voice his concern of his head being too large as a result of ‘all the knowledge!'”
How Michael Improved
Michael graduated from Cornerstone at the beginning of August 2020. Michael is now able to communicate with others by sharing his wants and needs using full sentences. He asks others questions using “how” and “why” to ask in-depth questions about the world around him.
Michael enjoys telling imaginative stories about the games he likes to play. Michael now actively seeks out social interaction with others, especially peers, and enjoys imaginative play as well as being silly. He has mastered 170 out of 170 points in the VB-MAPP, along with other AFLS goals such as independent dressing like adjusting clothes as needed and putting on a shirt right-side out. Michael can also independently brush his teeth, and he can tie his shoes without physical prompts.
“Michael encourages your imagination and has the most contagious laughter, which I will miss so much,” said Sabrina McCarty, ABA Therapist. “His ability to share his feelings and carry a conversation blew me away everyday. I know he will grow to do amazing things.” Watch his graduation day video at this link, and view some of his photos in the gallery below.