Transition to School Checklist

Below you will find a list of tasks that parents and caregivers may consider prior to their child transitioning from ABA to school. Families can also request a meeting with their team lead and BCBA to discuss the transition process listed below.

For our Quick Guide: Transition to School Slides made by BCBA Angie Robbins, click here.

Choose a school for your child to attend.

  • If you are considering schools outside of your neighborhood school, research schools in your area.
  • Request to tour schools that you are considering for your child.
  • If your desired school is not your child’s neighborhood school, request a transfer during the district’s transfer period, or fill out an application if it’s a private school.

Request a special education evaluation through email.

  • You can also ask for an FBA (Functional Behavior Analysis) and OT and Speech evaluations at this time, if appropriate.

Prepare for the IEP meeting.

  • Make a list of your child’s strengths.
  • Create a list of concerns you have for your child’s first year in school.
  • Set a list of goals you would like to see for your child, as well as supports that may be appropriate for them in a school setting.
  • Request a meeting to discuss services and supports for your child prior to their first day, if the school has not arranged one.

Support your child’s transition.

  • Tour the school and classroom with your child.
  • Request pictures of the school to make a social story book for your child, if appropriate.
  • You can ask that someone from the school observe your child at Cornerstone. This could be the special education teacher or school psychologist.

Additional resources:

  • Consider applying for the Medicaid Waiver for additional supports outside of school, if you have not already done so.
  • Visit for more information about IEPs and parent and student rights.

This list is not meant to be all-inclusive and is not intended as legal advice. Consider reaching out to an advocate for more information specific to your child’s needs.

Click here for a print out of this checklist.