Hannah Roberts is a frontline ABA Therapist at our Greenwood center. She has been with us nearly a year and a half. Hannah has graciously taken the time to share her experiences with us as an employee of Cornerstone Autism Center. Let’s see what she has to say:
founder, greeted me at the door, the butterflies in my stomach quickly vanished. Every person I came in contact with at the center that morning was so pleasant. I had never seen such a phenomenal facility, providing so much support to the kiddos. The encouragement of the staff, the unique and homey setting, along with the individualized work settings for the kiddos are what made it instantly appear to be my dream job. Seventeen months later, I am certain that it is.
When I began my new chapter at Cornerstone, Applied Behavior Analysis was new to me. At the time, I had a speech and language pathology background, along with the experience of instructing social skills in a public school environment. Needless to say, this past year and (almost) a half has been one learning experience after another, and I have loved every minute. The majority of what I have learned has been from the kiddos. Every day I am reminded of why I started this new journey. Cornerstone has helped me to reach personal goals I have never thought possible, including my very first half marathon and first (and last) grueling Tough Mudder.
Cornerstone has proven to me that you can truly love your job. I look forward to acquiring more skills, accomplishing more goals through the support of my Cornerstone family, and continuing to learn from each and every child. Looking back at where I started and ahead at what the future holds, I am so fortunate to have stumbled upon such an exceptional place to spend my days. Hannah has recently started on her journey to receive her masters in ABA. Her time spent at Cornerstone has helped solidify her career path. We’re so happy to have Hannah on our team, and are excited to see how she continues to grow.