Cornerstone Columbus is #ThankfulBecause…

The kitchen smelled of turkey and pumpkin as the Columbus staff and kiddos gathered around for a “Friendsgiving” lunch. They shared recipes, stories and laughter with one another while taking in all they have accomplished in the last five months.

Cornerstone has provided home services for families within the Columbus area for over two years. In June of this year, co-founders Debbie Ide and Ken Weadick took possession of the ideal space to offer center-based services to that community. Cornerstone’s newest center, located at 3136 N. National Road, opened the doors for therapy only 23 short days later. Much like their Greenwood and West Lafayette centers, the space is warm and welcoming, designed specifically for the clients they serve.

Director of Operations Becky Thompson was instrumental in getting the center up and running so quickly. “We had families ready to start and staff ready to go,” said Thompson. “Everyone was in good spirits and we were happy to put the space to good use.”

Cornerstone is thankful for the opportunity to serve even more families in Columbus. The center hopes to continue growing in order to achieve its mission statement: ‘Maximize those who struggle, embrace those who love and fulfill those who serve.’

When cooking a Thanksgiving feast, you need the proper ingredients to make it successful. This same concept applies when creating an ABA center. The staff, the families and the clients help to produce the perfect environment for progress.

“The quality of staff that we have is just amazing,” said Thompson. “Because we are a smaller facility, we are able to develop those relationships and bond not only with the staff, but with the clients and families as well. I think that helps us see our mission statement so much clearer and put it into practice.”

In honor of November being Cornerstone’s #thankfulbecause campaign, below are some reasons why the Columbus staff is thankful. Share your #thankfulbecause statement on our social media sites and be sure to watch our video at this link.
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