Landon’s typical day involves a warm round of greetings. His desire to interact with his peers pairs well with his willingness to do various activities. A walk around the playground can turn into a springy adventure on the trampoline, and a quick jump on the trampoline can lead to playtime with a fellow child or therapist. For Landon, the possibility of fun has no end.

Landon greatly enjoys playtime outside. Anything and everything outside is part of Landon’s routine – the jungle gym, the trampoline and playing tag are all activities that he enjoys during the day. He does well with programming and needs little prompting to willingly participate in a group setting.
Clinical lead Olivia Eickhoff has been involved in his development since he first came to Cornerstone. She was his older brother’s therapist for eight months when Landon first arrived, and she worked on sharing programs with them.
“I remember when Landon first came here,” said Eickhoff. “We went to group the first time, and he cried the entire time. He’s done a complete 180 since then. Now, he’s the one who is involved in group and interacting.”
His progress doesn’t stop there. He has also shown vast improvements in word pronunciation since arriving at Cornerstone. At first he would have to break down words like chips or ball, saying each syllable slowly. Now, he can say those same words without any problem!
Landon has recently been working on new programs designed to help him communicate and ask for attention appropriately. He is learning how to say phrases such as, “What’s up?” Now with the mastery of over 200 programs in the past month, Landon is achieving his goals at an accelerated pace and continues improving with each passing day at Cornerstone.
“I’m proud of how he is mastering programs really fast,” said his morning therapist, Megan Sharrett. “He seems to know the programs he has mastered really well because after being gone for three weeks, he still remembers them.”
Landon has embraced Cornerstone and is using it to improve not only himself, but every person he encounters. His social improvements and willingness to participate during group activities are helping him to reach out to people in his life. Landon’s social engagement is not only impacting his life, but he makes the atmosphere of Cornerstone all the more enjoyable.