There are several conventional treatments available for children with autism. However, these treatments address only the symptoms of the disorder. Biomedical Interventions are an alternative form of treatment for autism addressing the root cause of behaviors based on medical research.
“Biomedical means treating the medical causes of autism,” said Parent Liaison Sheila Carney. “It looks at the biochemistry of the body, using blood tests and allergy tests, to discover what kinds of mineral or vitamin deficiencies the children have, food allergies, metal toxins, and just anything behind the scenes causing the behaviors in the first place.”
In March, Cornerstone hosted a conference on the benefits of Biomedical Treatment. Several guest speakers, including Dr. Kartzinel, spoke to a crowd of approximately 150 people on a wide range of topics involving biomedical solutions to several common comorbid issues affecting children with autism, such as seizures, sleep issues and digestive problems.
“The conference gave parents new information and was very reassuring,” said Carney. “The things going on with our Autistic children are not that unusual and the presenters gave parents ideas and resources to learn more about Biomedical Interventions that could help their children.”
Biomedical Interventions mentioned at the conference involved the regulation of diets in affected children. The removal of allergens and food sensitivities, including dairy and gluten, are usually standard biomedical treatments, but as Dr. Jerry Kartzinel stated in a presentation, the best diet is always “the one that works best for your child.” To have the “best” diet for a child, great care as well as trial and error are necessary to alleviate future problems.
Guest speakers included:
Jerry Kartzinel, MD, FAAP–Biomedical Approaches to Treating Autism
Staci Small, MA, RD–Identification and Correction of Common Nutrient Deficiencies in Children with Autism
Eugene S. Justus, DO–Gastrointestinal Disease in Children with Autism
Amy M. Carter, MD–Environmental Dangers: Detoxifying Your World
Debra O’Donnell, MD–Sleep, Seizures and Sensory Issues
Mary Lou Hulseman, MD–The Meaning of Autism Symptoms
The feedback from the conference was positive and many questions were answered by the professionals in the field. Families left with new biomedical options to try at home. Cornerstone plans to offer this event to the public again next year.
Biomedical Resources: