Where Dominic Started
Dominic was in 5th grade before he enrolled at Cornerstone. He enjoyed school, specifically reading, but Dominic was displaying inappropriate social and classroom skills. He began in Level 2 on the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment (VB-MAPP) for social skills and was in Low Level 3 on VBMAPP for manding, independent play, intraverbal and group skills.
Dominic spent a year at Cornerstone working on social skills, which included cooperating to achieve a common goal, cooperating with sharing items and coping with denied access. He also worked on classroom skills, such as staying in his seat for an extended amount of time, paying attention to the instructor, completing a worksheet in an allotted amount of time, sitting in a group with peers and listening to their ideas.
How Dominic Improved
In his time here, Dominic worked on many different social skills! Dominic completed group skills, intraverbal skills, manding skills and play skills within the Level 3 and was able to accomplish most of the Level 3 social skills goals as well.
He is such as bright, fun and caring kid. We watched Dominic make friendships with peers and show genuine interest in their lives. He worked very hard every day to improve his self-help skills from showering to preparing his lunch to making a bed.
Through use of many social stories, role playing and modeling, Dominic gained the social skills, classroom skills and self help skills needed to transition back to school. Has A’s and B’s within his first month of middle school!