Where Liam Started
Liam started at Cornerstone with 67 points out of 170 points on the VB-MAPP in his first assessment. During lunch, Liam’s therapist made his lunch for him and he would eat very quickly. He could not read or spell, and he worked in short sessions throughout the day.
How Liam Improved
Liam completed and earned all 170 points on the VB-MAPP. He mastered the skills in AFLS to help out at home with chores as well. He can do the dishes, help with laundry, dust and sweep. He can now independently prepare his lunch and has worked hard to control his pace of consumption.
Liam is reading at a first grade level; he can spell over 25 different words and can work for up to 8 minutes in a classroom setting without needing a break. In January 2018 he transitioned back into elementary school. We are so proud of Liam and all of the amazing milestones he has reached!