June 2021 Newsletter

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Increasing Independence Trainings


-June 15th West Lafayette 9am – 10am
-June 17th Avon 9am – 10am
-June 22nd Greenwood and Edinburgh locations will meet at the Polk building 9:15am – 10:15am

Online: June 24th 12pm-1pm

We hope to prepare our children to be as independent as possible.  Join us online or in-person as we discuss ways to identify strengths and areas to develop at home.  We will also focus on strategies and resources to set yourself and your child up for success as you promote independence. RSVP via slips that will be sent out individually during parent pick-up.  You can also RSVP or send questions to: psallade@cornerstoneautismcenter.com 

New Blog: How To Help Your Child Functionally Communicate
In our latest blog, BCBA Victoria Oliver covers some frequently asked questions from parents and caregivers regarding functional communication.

Some of the questions include what method of communication to use, how to prompt language, and much more.

Read the full blog on our website by clicking here:


Thank you to these staff members for Maximizing Those Who Struggle, Embracing Those Who Love and Fulfilling Those Who Serve.

Ivy Polley, ABA Therapist

If you were to see me outside of Cornerstone, I would either have a book in my hands or earbuds for music in my ears.  I love learning and seeing everything there is to see, whether that is by watching a documentary on squids, listening to a podcast on art history or taking a ride on the Seattle Ferris Wheel. I think life is meant for exploring, and that is what I want to do.

The best part of working at cornerstone is being able to get in touch with my fun side! Working with kids is the only job where you get to talk about Power Rangers all day and play Mario Kart.

My kids teach me something and amaze me every day. I enjoy watching them experience life. I’m grateful to just be a part of their journey.


Elizabeth Robertson, ABA Therapist
I love to work on my garden, tend to my house plants and watch good tv shows like New Girl over and over again.

One dream manager goal I’ve met since working at Cornerstone is buying a house with my roommate in the town where we went to college.

My favorite place in the world is New York City! I love going to New York because it is such an amazing city with so much history and culture. Every time I go, I have amazing new experiences.

I enjoy watching my clients learn and grow. It’s an honor knowing I’m helping them make that progress, as well.

ABLE Accounts & Guardianship (Online) Webinars

This special summer series is part of the Free Family Support Webinars hosted by Indiana Resource Center for Autism, in collaboration with Gordon Homes and Liz Homes.

Registration required.  Click on this link to register for all four Zoom webinars.

Summer Signs | with BCBA and Sign Language Coordinator, Stephanie Dille-Huggins

This video will show you some basic ASL signs you can use this summer. From words like “sunscreen” to “water play,” these words may help your child discover how to mand for the summer activities or items they need or want. These signs may help you understand what your child is asking you for, as well!

Click here to watch the full video on our Youtube channel.


Accessible and Inclusive Playgrounds in Indianapolis

Excerpt from Indy’s Child Magazine: “With warmer weather right around the corner, it’s time to get out and enjoy some fresh air. Thankfully, there are plenty of options for families with children of all ages and abilities to choose from — and places where parents can keep those runners contained. Which means not only will the children be having fun, but parents and caregivers can relax a little and have fun, too.” Find out which inclusive local parks were selected in their blog here.

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