Get Involved, Stay Involved with the Autism Support Community

If your child or someone you know has autism, it is a great idea to become involved with the autism community. Not only will you learn more about autism awareness, but you will also be able to get help and support from others going through similar events as yourself. There are so many options for friends and family members to support children with autism.  Becoming involved in the community is the first step, staying involved can be helpful and rewarding.

There are many forms of autism that can range from mild impairment to severe disability. Autism can create challenges in an individual’s everyday life from the daily routine to how they learn and interpret information. Involving and educating yourself within the autism community can help you better understand the challenges and victories each child and family member affected by autism experience throughout their journey.

There are many trusted autism support sites that you can join to learn more about autism and the autism community.  Following these sites not only provide information, but also helps to increase autism awareness. Here are just a few awareness and support sites:

  • is a grassroots organization dedicated to improving the lives of all people affected by autism. They raise awareness of daily issues families face, while providing the latest information on treatment, research, education and advocacy.
  • was founded in 2005 and has grown into our nation’s largest organization dedicated to funding autism research and advocating the needs of those affected by autism.
  • a Central Indiana based organization offering caring, encouraging one-on-one treatment and resources for families affected by autism.

As a friend or family member of someone affected by autism, the number one thing you can do is understand the challenges they go through day-to-day. You can also become an autism awareness advocate by keeping connected to what is happening in our government at Vote 4 Autism.