Frontline Focus: Haleigh Yergler

Take a tour around Cornerstone Autism Center and you’ll see the ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapists walking and laughing with the kiddos. These men and women in blue are Cornerstone’s front line, aiding the children that come here for support.haleigh

They have a deep passion and caring that rivals any early childhood institute or educator. These fine folks provide intense one on one time with our kiddos. The ABA staff has a personalized understanding of who the children here are. The therapists’ commitment goes further than most early childhood organizations. Most early childhood facilities will be with children for a short time period, on average two years. Some children with autism have a chance of staying with an institute like Cornerstone longer, possibly staying three, four, or even five years. Their dedication and true unselfish caring is why Cornerstone is a step above most.

We have dedicated a special blog segment that will be called “Frontline Focus”. Therapists will get to tell their stories in a variety of ways and share their gratitude and thanks for the opportunity they are blessed with.

Our first Frontline Focus story is from Haleigh Yergler. A Purdue graduate in Youth, Adult, & Family Services, she has worked for Cornerstone Autism Center in West Lafayette for a year.

“Having just reached my one year anniversary working for cornerstone autism center, I am inspired to reflect upon what could be considered the most extraordinary year of my life. Working for this organization as an aba therapist has not only affected me professionally, but on a very personal front, as well. To be given the opportunity to work with children and families touched by autism has made me really evaluate and change the way I view the world.

It has made me feel humbled and grateful for the many blessings in my life; but also empowered to help make just as many opportunities possible for my clients and their families. This job has taught me to appreciate the little things in life. I have often been moved to tears by a simple “hello” or one word request by a client that may not normally even make eye contact another person. Those little milestones are what keep us working so hard.

My work on the floor as a therapist is not the only life-changing aspect of this job. In the last year I have bought a car, a house, gotten engaged to the love of my life, and reached my half-way point to my weight loss goal. None of these accomplishments would have been possible without Cornerstone and the Dream Manager program here.

I cannot express enough how much I love my job and my Cornerstone family. I am so thankful for the doors that have been opened through my employment here and my many friendships made. I am so eager to see what is in store for us all in the years to come.”