Modes of Communication: Alternative & Augmentative Communication

Communication is the foundation of human interaction. For individuals with autism, traditional verbal communication might not always be the most effective method. That’s where Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) comes into play. AAC encompasses a variety of communication methods, from sign language to advanced speech-generating devices (SGDs), offering people with communication challenges the tools they need to express themselves fully.

Understanding AAC

Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) refers to any form of communication other than verbal speech used to express thoughts, needs, and ideas. AAC can be used alongside spoken language or as a complete replacement for it. It’s essential to recognize that communication is not one-size-fits-all; AAC provides multiple modes to fit the individual needs of the user.

Types of AAC

1. American Sign Language (ASL)

American Sign Language (ASL) is a complete, natural language that uses hand movements, facial expressions, and body language to communicate. It is commonly used within the Deaf community but is also a powerful tool for individuals with autism who have difficulty with verbal speech. Learning ASL can empower nonverbal individuals to interact more freely with their environment.

2. Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

PECS is a visual-based communication method that uses pictures to represent words or phrases. This method is particularly beneficial for individuals who have strong visual processing skills. By using PECS, children with autism can communicate their needs and desires by selecting and arranging pictures that correspond to their thoughts.

3. Speech-Generating Devices (SGDs)

SGDs are electronic devices that produce speech when the user selects words, pictures, or symbols on a screen. These devices range from simple button-based systems to more advanced touchscreen tablets. SGDs offer a voice to those who cannot speak and can be personalized to the user’s specific vocabulary and communication style.

Modes of Communications

The Importance of Individualized AAC Plans

It’s crucial to tailor AAC tools to the individual’s specific needs. What works for one client may not work for another, and a personalized approach ensures the most effective communication. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) play a key role in evaluating, selecting, and training individuals in the use of AAC.

At Cornerstone, our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping clients find the best AAC method for them. Whether through ASL, PECS, or SGDs, our goal is to empower individuals to communicate more effectively.

How AAC Benefits Individuals with Autism

AAC can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with autism by:

  1. Enhancing Social Interaction: AAC provides individuals the tools to interact more effectively with peers and family, fostering social relationships.

2. Reducing Frustration: AAC can reduce the frustration that often accompanies communication difficulties by providing a reliable way to express needs and desires.

3. Promoting Independence: AAC enables individuals to communicate their needs independently, fostering a sense of autonomy and confidence.

Alternative and Augmentative Communication offers a world of possibilities for individuals with autism. Whether through ASL, PECS, or SGDs, AAC provides the tools necessary for meaningful interaction and expression. At Cornerstone, we are passionate about helping our clients discover the communication methods that work best for them, ensuring they can connect with the world around them in a way that is most natural and effective.

If you believe AAC could benefit your child, the first step is to consult with a professional. Our team is here to help you select and implement the most appropriate AAC methods.